We offer consultancy services (online and in-person) for experimental design and implementation of biodiversity based research projects as well as environmental impact assessments.
Species Identification
We specialize in identification of various vertebrate and invertebrate faunal groups including zooplankton (rotifers, cladocerans, copepods, ostracods) & other crustaceans, insects (bugs, beetles, odonates and butterflies), spiders, molluscs, fishes, amphibians and birds.
Scientific Editing
We provide scientific editing and proof reading services for dissertation, thesis, research papers, conferences, project proposals etc.
We assist in data analysis and visualization by means of different univariate and multivariate approaches for various Life Science domains (Biodiversity, Ecology, Environmental Science) using tools like R and Python programming languages and softwares such as Excel, Tableau, PAST, and Maxent.
Email us at biologialifesci@gmail.com. A member of our staff will reply within 24 hours. Or head over to the Contact section of our website and use the web form there.